The Gen Z wunderkind’s influence remains powerful: nowadays she has 12 million followers on YouTube, 16 million on Instagram, a successful coffee business and a wildly popular podcast called Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain. An unapologetic homebody, Chamberlain has become understandably obsessed with design and surrounds herself with products that spark joy. Her one in 100 pick, a portable mid-century lamp, is happiness in lighting form.

Can you tell us a bit about your gift pick and why you chose it?

I chose a beautiful, midcentury lamp. I spend a lot of time at home, and special pieces around the house bring me a lot of joy on a daily basis. This lamp is bright and fun while still being very chic, and everytime I see it in my house it sparks joy.

What makes this item highly giftable?

You can personalize the gift based on what colors your loved one enjoys, and it’s small enough to fit in almost any space. It’s a versatile gift that would surprise and excite almost anyone!

Who would you gift this to?

I would give these lamps to my closest friends who all love decorating their homes, and I am sure they would be so excited to add this to an empty spot on their bookshelf or coffee table.

Do you have any gifting strategies?

I usually try to remember something specific they have mentioned wanting in the past. Those are the gifts that show that you are paying attention, and they can really mean a lot. If I can’t think of anything, I will start thinking outside of the box and ask myself: “what would they love that they don’t even realize they would love?”

“Every time I see this in my house it sparks joy.”

When did you buy your first holiday gift? And what was it?

I was probably in 1st grade. My school had a little gift shop around the holidays where students could shop for their parents (even though we all used our parents' money). I bought my parents a Christmas ornament. It was truly nothing special, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

My fondest holiday memory is…

I have always loved holiday decorating. We put on the Christmas music, pour some eggnog, then get to work. My dad and I used to make a big deal out of decorating, inviting over my grandparents and spending hours perfecting the holiday decor, then playing board games by the fireplace until past my bedtime. The holidays were all about staying up past my bedtime.

Anything else on the Holiday 100 that you are tempted to buy for yourself?

I would probably have to choose the nut milk maker. I actually already have one but I love it so much, I’d buy another! I haven’t bought nut milk at the store for months! It’s incredible.

What was your last Google search?

“Best pillows for stomach and back sleepers.” I’m trying to perfect my sleeping situation… and the last item on my check list is the perfect pillow.

Portable midcentury lamp Mid-century modern had modern-day appeal. The mushroom lamp is the top trending shape of portable lamp. Shop now
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